Wednesday 16 April 2014


1.       Silent Crossing of Strings – Play this exercise as much as possible in the first position, and it will give you some good practice in crossing strings.

2.       Melody – This is a typical Vivaldi tune. Play it with a full silky tone, and see how imperceptible you can make the changes from down bow to up bow, and vice versa.

3.       Trills – Practice this in both first and third positions, making your trills as quick and neat as possible. It is the opening subject of one of Vivaldi’s concertos.

4.       Double-Stopping – Here is a specimen of Vivaldi’s double-stopping. Use only the lower half of the bow, with plenty of wrist movement, and try to touch your two strings exactly together.

5.       Passage Work – Vivaldi’s concertos are full of passages of this sort. See that your bow and the fingers of your left hand work well together, and watch your intonation.

6.       Syncopation – An early eighteenth century specimen. Use a short up bow for the beginning of each phrase, and play with clean, crisp accents.

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