Saturday 10 May 2014


Most boys and girls have a hobby of some sort.
Those who have a hobby take it up because they love it. They regard it as a pastime and as a recreation, and not as a kind of lesson that has to be studied in any case.
One of the finest hobbies a boy or girl can have is Music. If you regard Music in the right way you are sure to be keen about it. You will want to study it and get to know all about if for its own sake, and not just because it is a school subject.
Once you become really keen about this wonderful subject of Music, you will try to find things out for yourself. You will hear as much of it as you can, learn to understand it thoroughly, and make it a part of yourself, so to speak.

You will feel like the hungry man who was given something to eat, and who said: “It has made a new man of me, and he’s hungry, too!”
Now, here is a little point you ought to consider. A boy who is keen on woodwork does not confine his energies to the work given him by his carpentry master. He makes things at home for himself. A girl who is keen on drawing isn’t content with what she does in school or as homework. She does other drawings, just because the subject appeals to her so much.
It is just the same with Music. If you are as “keen as mustard” you won’t be content with what your teacher gives you to practise, although of course you will do that first, and do it thoroughly.
You will now try new Music over for yourself, try to read at sight, and try to play accompaniments for your friends when they sing.

In this way you will learn to form you own opinions about Music, to judge for yourself, and to develop your Musical taste in the most natural way.

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